Leon Wang and Michael Shimizu Qualify for National Chemistry Olynpiad
The scores of Michael Shimizu (right side of the photo) and Leon Wang (left in the photo) on the Local Chemistry Olympiad exam placed them among the top eight high school students who will represent South Carolina in the National Chemistry Olympiad. The local exam is a rigorous 110 minute test covering collegiate level chemistry (chemistry 1 and 2, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry).
Both Michael and Leon are students in Elizabeth Link's AP Chemistry class. Michael is the son of Ken and Linda Shimizu. Leon is the son of Zaixiao Zhang and Qian Wang. This is the third consecutive year that Dreher students have been delegates to the National Chemistry Olympiad. In fact, in the 2018-2019 school year we send two out of the eight allocated to South Carolina!
The US National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO) program is a chemistry competition for high school students. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate young people to achieve excellence in chemistry. The American Chemical Society has sponsored the program since 1984.
The local competition is open to all high school students. The top eight scorers in South Carolina (including Leon and Michael) will be competing in the National Chemistry Olympiad in April. Top-scoring students from the national competition then will be invited to attend a study camp where they will practice for the international competition.
Details about the USNCO are at the Society's website