Caughman Road Elementary is an International Peace Site
At Caughman Road we are proud to be an International PEACE Site that embodies five core positive citizen traits. We believe that these International Principles build positive relationships that foster both academic and social growth within each of our young scholars, helping to establish a foundation that will generate positive World Leaders. We are unwaveringly committed in One Vision, Legacy and Voice to support our students as they learn about the core principles. Our young World Citizens strive daily to:
This means that we:
seek peace within ourselves and others
reach out in service
protect the environment
respect diversity
are responsible citizens of the world
These core values can be seen in our school-wide approaches of Montessori PEACE Education and Restorative Practice beliefs and systems.
SOAR: Safe, On Task, Accountable, Respectful/ Responsible Citizens
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Richland County School District One does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age or other protected characteristics in its programs and activities.