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Richland One Virtual School Program

Richland One offers a yearlong Elementary Virtual School Program for students in grades K-5 and a Secondary Virtual School Program for students in grades 6-12.  Enrollment for both virtual school programs occur beginning in January and parents are notified of their student’s acceptance in the spring. Applicants are selected using a lottery for both programs based on available slots.   The application and acceptance process begins in January for next school year.  However, if you need to reach the coordinator of the elementary or secondary Virtual School Program for further information, please refer to the contact information below.

Elementary Virtual School Program, contact Tony Webb (Coordinator) at (803) 923-0729

Secondary Virtual School Program, contact Danielle Major-Murphy (Coordinator) at (803) 231-7610

Virtual School
In the R1 K-5 Virtual School Program, students interact with certified Richland One teachers daily during live Teams meeting sessions.  Sessions will be virtual 4-5 days per week from 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  Face-to-Face instruction will be provided as needed.  Classes will be a combination of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (independent) learning activities for all types of learners.  Students in grades K-3 will receive approximately 2-3 hours of virtual instruction per day, and students in grades 4-5 will receive about 3-4 hours of virtual instruction per day.  It is essential to adhere to a flexible and balanced schedule that promotes rigor, responsibility and opportunities for socialization, collaboration and community.   
In the R1 6-12 Virtual School Program, SC Certified content teachers provide instruction through the Imagine Learning platform.  While students are required to work mostly independently and asynchronously, students in grades 6-12 are required to report to the Waverley Administration Building once per week for instruction.   On days when students learn virtually, they are expected to log into each class daily to meet attendance requirements.  In both programs, students receive timely teacher feedback in response to their coursework and homework.  Instruction in the virtual programs is be aligned to South Carolina and Richland One academic standards. All students are provided a device. Families are responsible for providing Internet access and a supportive virtual learning environment at home.  To be eligible to participate, the following criteria is considered: 
Students must:  
  • Reside in Richland County and be enrolled in a Richland School District One School;
  • Have demonstrated academic success in the previous school year (Recommend grades of C or better in all courses; 
  • Have maintained good attendance in the previous year; and
  • Have the desire and ability to work in a variety of formats. 
The goal of the Richland One Virtual School Program is to provide children and their families with high-quality virtual learning experiences necessary for school success.