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High School Level



At the high school level, the focus of the Richland One Career Preparation Magnet Program is to give students multiple opportunities to prepare for careers that are in high demand and require advanced skills. The program at W.J. Keenan High School offers a leadership curriculum that includes a rigorous project-based classroom experience that challenges students to gain future-ready competencies. High school magnet students will have advantages that include the opportunity to receive college credit, state and nationally recognized industry certifications, work-based learning opportunities and internships.

As a Leader in Me School, magnet students participate in an enriching exploration of leadership skills that deepens their learning and connects them with our post-secondary partners. Our relationships with various college and community partners expose our students to national career and technical platforms and give them the opportunity to present at conferences and participate in competitions. W.J. Keenan offers four magnet academies: engineering, hospitality and tourism, government and entrepreneurship.

 Program Location: W.J. Keenan High School

Program Type: School-within-a-school model

Grades: 9-12

Eligibility Criteria: Open to all Richland One students

Student Selection Method: Lottery

Enrollment Capacity:

Ninth grade:

  • 30 Engineering Magnet slots
  • 30 Hospitality and Tourism Magnet slots
  • 30 Government Magnet slots
  • 30 Entrepreneurship Magnet slots

Grades 10-12:

  • There is a limited number of 10th-grade slots available in the Hospitality and Tourism, Government and Entrepreneurship Magnets. The Engineering Magnet for 10th and 11th grades is full. Eventually, all four academies will be expanded to 12th grade.

Bus Transportation: Provided for all students 

Contact: KaReem Beckett, Magnet Lead Teacher, (803) 714-2499,; Vondre’ T. Whaley, Principal, (803) 714-2500,


The Health Sciences Magnet prepares students for post-secondary education and provides them with opportunities to pursue careers in health sciences by offering a rigorous curriculum and real-world field experiences through collaborations with clinics, hospitals, universities and other community partners. Students become South Carolina Career and Technical Education (CTE) Completers in one or more pathways: Administrative Services, Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Biomedical Research and Technology, Food Science and Dietetics, Health Science and/or Sports Medicine. Students in the Health Sciences Magnet participate in career mentoring, career shadowing, volunteer services, internships, clinical rotations, state and national competitive events, career fairs and health fairs, field studies and national certification exams.

Program Location: C.A. Johnson High School

Grades: 9-12

Program Type: School-within-a-school model

Eligibility Criteria: Open to all Richland One students

Student Selection Method: Application

Enrollment Capacity: Open

Bus Transportation: Provided only for students zoned to C.A. Johnson High School

Contact: Nicole Irby (803) 231-7092,



Richland One Middle College (ROMC) is an award-winning charter school of choice sponsored by Richland One. Located on the Beltline campus of Midlands Technical College, ROMC is unique because it offers 11th-grade and 12th-grade students the opportunity to attend high school on a college campus where they can earn college credits for free. The targeted student population is students who are seeking to experience success in a non-traditional secondary program. The primary goal of Richland One Middle College is to provide students with a seamless transition from high school to their post-secondary pursuits through the use of an innovative curriculum in an intimate, student-centered environment.

 Program Location: Midlands Technical College – Beltline Campus

Grades: 11-12

Program Type: Whole school model

Eligibility Criteria: Open to all Richland One students. 20% of the total enrollment may be comprised of eligible out-of-district students.

Student Selection Method: Application

Enrollment Capacity: 150

Bus Transportation: Not provided

Contact: Dr. Carla Brabham, (803) 738-7114,



The Virtual School Program allows students to meet their family, personal and work obligations during regular school hours while continuing their high school education. Any student in grades 9-12 in Richland One and outside of the district (if all out-of-district guidelines are met) is eligible to apply.

This program offers a great opportunity for a variety of students, including homeschoolers, teen parents and academically gifted students, as well as aspiring professional dancers, artists or athletes who must train/practice during the day. Students who work after school or during the day and those who work in family businesses also are ideal candidates. Students enrolled in the program work independently on online lessons, projects and assignments at a time and place that’s best for them. During the week, they schedule a minimum of 10 hours at the Virtual School site to meet with certified staff who review their progress, discuss their work and provide assistance.

Program Location: Waverley Administration Building

Grades: 9-12

Eligibility Criteria: Open to all Richland One students and students outside of the district who meet the out-of-district guidelines

Student Selection Method: Application

Enrollment Capacity: Open

Bus Transportation: Not provided

Contact: Audrey Harris, (803) 231-6934,