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Career Awareness Magnet Program

Career Awareness Magnet Program - DONE

Video: Video in shared drive

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Download Brochure (Click to a .pdf version of the document): brochure in shared drive

Program Description/Parent Information Session:

Through academic and leadership opportunities, students in the Richland One Career Awareness Magnet Program at Bradley Elementary have unique opportunities to increase their awareness of four career pathways: engineering, entrepreneurship, government, and hospitality and tourism. A rigorous, fast-paced curriculum challenges students from kindergarten through fifth grade to achieve high levels of engagement and success through our project-based learning units built upon South Carolina state standards.


Bradley is a Leader in Me School, and students are given multiple opportunities to serve in leadership capacities in their classrooms, throughout the school and in our community. Whether it’s visiting a state museum, participating in a Disney Youth Education program or touring our nation’s capital, our magnet students are able to extend learning beyond the classroom and develop deeper connections with the curriculum while putting their leadership skills in action. Ongoing parent involvement through workshops and programs is highly encouraged for children participating in the magnet program.


Secondary Pathway: To create a seamless transition built upon their growing skill level and knowledge, fifth-grade students in the Career Awareness Magnet Program at Bradley will automatically be enrolled in the sixth grade Career Exploration Magnet Program at W.G. Sanders Middle School.


Program Location: Bradley Elementary School

Program Type: School-within-a-school model

Grades: Five-year-old kindergarten (5K) and grades 1-5

Eligibility Criteria: Open to all Richland One students

Student Selection Method: Lottery

Enrollment Capacity: 30 spots per grade level (5K through fifth grade)

Bus Transportation: Provided for all students

Parent Information Session: Tuesday, Dec 8: 10:00 AM (Career Pathways Info Session K-12): Thursday, Dec 10: 6:00 PM: Tuesday, Jan 12: 2:00 PM: Thursday, Jan 14: 6:00 PM: Tuesday, January 19: 6:00 PM: Thursday, January 21: 10:00 AM (Career Pathways Info Session K-12):

Contact: Karen Ogen, Magnet Lead Teacher, 803-738-7200,; Kezia Myers, Principal, 803-738-7200,