Public Participation for Virtual Board Meetings
Public Participation for Virtual Board Meetings
Richland County School District One Board Policy BE Exhibit
(See Board Policy BE and Administrative Rule BE-R)
The Richland One Board of School Commissioners is holding board meetings virtually for the safety and health concerns caused by the pandemic. This form is made available to allow for public participation during the virtual meetings.
A district staff person will read all comments. The reading of your comments should not exceed three minutes. Only 30 minutes will be allowed for reading all comments. The district reserves the right not to read comments if they exceed the time limit. Questions will not be answered during the virtual board meeting.
Public comments must be submitted at least one or two business days in advance of the board meeting. The form will be available from 8:30 a.m. until noon on the two work days prior to each virtual meeting.
Please note the following:
- Comments must be civil and professional in manner. Comments from the public should not include gossip, defamatory words, or abusive and vulgar language.
- Personal complaints about individual school personnel or any other person connected with the school system. Specific student or personnel issues should be handled through the appropriate procedures as indicated in district policy or directives.
- Presentations for unsolicited services will not be permitted.
Since public participation is limited to three minutes per person, the comments to be read at the meeting will be limited to 3,300 characters.
Questions should be directed to appropriate district personnel and\or departments.
Click here to access the Virtual Board Meeting Public Participation Form