Student Resources
Book Flix
Scholastic BookFlix is a new online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading and learning.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement.
South Carolina's Virtual Library gives all South Carolinians free online access to the best subscription library resources. Find magazine & newspaper articles, reference material, maps, pictures, student & teacher resources, the best Web links, and much more!
Edgenuity MyPath is a new supplemental program that offers data-driven differentiated instruction for math and reading.
Create a rich, collaborative, digital learning environment with Follett Software's K- 12 educational technologies and learning management systems.
Hour of Code Resources
Safari Montage
An integrated Digital Learning Platform, including a Learning Object Repository and IPTV & Live Media Streaming, designed to handle video efficiently. Within district please use the Safari Montage icon on your computer desktop.
Go>> Please use this link only outside the district. Firefox browser works best.
Streamline SC
ETV, partnering with the SC State Department of Education and the K-12 Technology Initiative, created StreamlineSC to improve and manage learning resources in South Carolina schools. The resource is available for free to all South Carolina public, private, and home schools.
2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct
TCA 24/7 Test Preparation
For students who are considering taking the SAT or ACT, should consider using the 24/7 TCA Test Preparation materials.
Visual Thesaurus
An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145000 words that you explore using an interactive map. It's a tool for people who think visually.
WorldBook Online
The World Book web site offers an encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, homework help, study aids, and curriculum guides.