Mathematics Resources for Parents and Students
The way we taught students in the past simply does not prepare them for the higher demands of college and careers today and in the future. Schools in Richland School District One and schools throughout the country are working to improve teaching and learning to ensure that all children will graduate high school with the skills they need to be successful.
In mathematics, this means three major changes. Teachers will concentrate on teaching a more focused set of major math concepts and skills. This will allow students time to master important ideas and skills in a more organized way throughout the year and from one grade to the next. It will also call for teachers to use rich and challenging math content and to engage students in solving real-world problems in order to inspire greater interest in mathematics.
This site also includes interesting math tasks, links to interactive math websites, and amusing math apps for iPads and iPods for students.
Math for 21st Century Learners
1st Grade Math Interactive Websites
2nd Grade Math Interactive Websites
3rd Grade Math Interactive Websites
4th Grade Math Interactive Websites
5th Grade Math Interactive WebsitesFree iPad/iPod Apps for Elementary Mathematics (PDF)
Kindergarten Math Interactive Websites (PDF)
Math Tasks and Math Booklist (PDF)
SC Common Core Standards for Mathematics (PDF)
Parent's CCSS Resources
Kindergarten CCSS Overview (PDF)
First Grade CCSS Overview (PDF)
Second Grade CCSS Overview (PDF)
Third Grade CCSS Overview (PDF)
Fourth Grade CCSS Overview (PDF)
Fifth Grade CCSS Overview (PDF)
Math at Home Suggestions (Word)
Support Your Child Learning (Word)