Welcome to Carver-Lyon
Carver-Lyon Elementary School is committed to helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the SC Graduate by providing opportunities for students to master grade level standards across the curriculum with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy through project based learning, AVID, Leader in Me, and Language Immersion. The learning experiences garnered from our vast learning initiatives encourage creativity, innovation, critical thinking and collaboration. These experiences will also promote self-direction, perseverance, tolerance and a positive work ethic as new windows are opened to global perspectives.
Carver-Lyon Elementary School’s curriculum emphasizes teaching the whole child by reading and writing across the curriculum, and using our multi-tier system of support (MTSS) protocol to allow our faculty and staff to “study and use data results to develop instructional goals and plans to meet each and every child’s need”.
I anticipate a successful year as the Carver-Lyon Elementary School staff and I support the academic, social, and emotional growth of your child. It is my hope that we will all work together to provide the students of Carver-Lyon Elementary School the best possible opportunities in preparing them to be world class citizens and to reach their highest potential!
My administrative team and I look forward in partnering with Carver-Lyon’s stakeholders in allowing us to be the best that we can be by, “Engaging, Educating, and Empowering” our students.
Listen to our ROAR!
Dr. Monica T. Adams