Job Coach

  • What is a Job Coach?  A Job Coach helps high school students define their career aspirations and to explore community college and other postsecondary programs, including apprenticeships and workforce training, that can help students achieve their educational, career, and financial goals.  

  • Programs:

    H.E.E.P.   The Hornets Employment Experience Program (H.E.E.P.) is an internship program that provides C. A. Johnson seniors with the opportunity to gain practical, first-hand.  By applying knowledge and skills learned in a classroom to actual work situations, the internship is designed to give students an opportunity to integrate occupational and academic learning. Currently, 23 students are engaged in the H.E.E.P. program.

    SENIOR LEADERSC.A. Johnson High School and Watkins-Nance Elementary School have partnered to provide student tutoring and mentoring sessions for Watkins-Nance Elementary students in grades 3-5 by CAJ seniors.  

    YOUTH LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE:  C.A. Johnson High School has partnered with Benedict College Service Learning Department to provide CAJ student club/organizations with year-long leadership development activities designed to build leadership skills, career preparation, and gain service learning hours. The activities are scheduled to include discussions of leadership characteristics, soft skills development as well as, the value of serving their communities “Hornet” style. The YLI program will have 4 meetings this year on the campus of C. A. Johnson High School and Saturday meetings are on the campus of Benedict College or at other designated sites as determined by scheduled activities.

    For more information, please contact James Abrams at 803-253-7092

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