• Office of Secondary Education

  • The goal of the Office of Secondary Education is to support middle schools and high schools to ensure that every student is college and career ready as envisioned by the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.

    To achieve this goal we strive to provide every student access to rigorous curriculum, instructional resources aligned with state standards, and numerous opportunities to integrate content and skills.

    Our team uses the most up-to-date research to guide curriculum development, delivering professional development to school leaders, guaranteeing that teachers have a clear understanding of the content frameworks and providing strategies designed to increase students making academic gains in all content areas and refining disciplinary literacy skills.



  • Dr. Kevin Hasinger, Executive Director


    Melissa Washington, Executive Assistant
    Phone: 803-231-7459
    Fax: 803-231-6758

    Waverley Administration Center
    1225 Oak Street - Suite 210
    Columbia, SC 29204