• EOC Info from The S.C. State Department of Education 

    Form to register for spring SAT or ACT tests

    PDF Form to register for spring SAT or ACT tests


    Gale Testing & Education Reference Center (Please see your librarian for the username and password for this Gale resource.)

    South Carolina State Department of Education Testing Information Link

    Advanced Placement (AP)

    APEX Learning

    Recent decisions marked the beginning of important changes in state testing for all third-year high school students (11th graders) in South Carolina. The High School Assessment Program (HSAP) will no longer be given. Instead, students in 11th grade will take two assessments: The ACT, a college and career readiness assessment, and WorkKeys®, which measures essential workforce skills.  

    To learn more about the ACT, read below.  To learn more about WorkKeys®, click here.

    The ACT
    The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. The ACT Plus Writing includes the four multiple-choice tests and a Writing Test.  ACT results are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the US.  For studying and practice information, please see below (TCA Test Prep).

    Register to take the ACT by clicking here.

    The SAT
    The SAT is designed to assess your academic readiness for college. The exam can provide a path to opportunities, financial support, and scholarships. The SAT keeps pace with what colleges are looking for today, measuring the skills required for success in the 21st century.  The SAT doesn’t test logic or abstract reasoning. It tests the skills you’re learning in school: reading, writing, and math.  For studying and practice information, please see below (TCA Test Prep).

    Register to take the SAT by clicking here.

    The PSAT/NMSQT helps educators at every level promote college readiness.  It is a standardized test cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation.  In addition to preparing you for the multiple choice portion of the SAT, your PSAT results can be used to obtain many scholarships, including National Merit. 

    To access your PSAT scores, you must log in to your College Board account.  If you don't have an account, you can create one for free by clicking here.  For more information on how to read your score report and what your scores mean, click here.

    Learn more about the National Merit Scholarship by clicking here.

    EOCEP (End-of-Course Examination Program)
    The Education Accountability Act of 1998 requires the development of end-of-course examinations in gateway or benchmark courses. The program is called End-of-Course-Examination Program (EOCEP).
    The examinations, which count 20 percent of the students' final grade in each gateway or benchmark course, currently include Algebra 1, English 1, U.S. History, and Biology.

    Learn more about EOC exams by clicking here.