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Links to Community Resources


988 Suicide & Crisis Prevention Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Children's Law Center

The Children’s Law Center is a resource center for South Carolina professionals involved in child maltreatment or juvenile justice court proceedings and child advocates working to improve the safety and well-being of children. The mission of the Center is to advance children's law by strengthening public policy, increasing knowledge, and improving practice.

Children's Trust

We connect local organizations and families to the resources they need. Children’s Trust-supported programs are evidence-based so we know what works to build stronger families and more resilient communities across our state. We have made tremendous strides in prevention, but there is still much to do.

Columbia Area Mental Health Center

The Columbia Area Mental Health Center (CAMCH) is an outpatient facility of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health (DMH). CAMCH serves residents in the Richland and Fairfield counties. Their staff is dedicated to the recovery of people with serious mental illnesses. They believe in the importance of mental health as a major factor in contributing to your quality of life, and they provide services regardless of your ability to pay.

Cooperative Ministries

We build bridges to tomorrow by meeting immediate needs and teaching skills and providing resources for long-term independence and stability.

Harvest Hope Food Bank

Our Emergency Food Pantries provide those in need with a 5 to 6 day supply of food. Our food package varies depending on donations but usually includes non-perishable and perishable items such as fruit, vegetables, bread, meat, and dried goods. These food packages can provide the basis for balanced and nutritious meals for the families we serve. In addition, we can provide information on other resources available in the community and we assist clients in filling out Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) applications through the SC Benefit Bank.

Homeless No More

Homeless No More provides a spectrum of care - from emergency services to transitional shelter - that keeps family members together and meets their needs at the right time with services that are meaningful and appropriate.

Lexington/Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse (LRADAC)

LRADAC takes a proactive approach to fighting addiction and drug misuse in schools, businesses and neighborhoods. They offer services to adolescents and adults, such as detoxification, counseling, and outpatient care. Their prevention, intervention and treatment programs spread the message that there is hope and that substance misuse and addiction are preventable and treatable.


MIRCi offers services that help vulnerable adults aged 17 and up who need immediate and continuing life assistance due to the stressors that negatively affect their mental well-being.

Richland County DSS

The Department’s mission is to serve South Carolina by promoting the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and vulnerable adults, helping individuals achieve stability and strengthening families.

SC Department of Mental Health

The S.C. Department of Mental Health gives priority to adults, children, and their families affected by serious mental illnesses and significant emotional disorders. We are committed to eliminating stigma and promoting the philosophy of recovery, to achieving our goals in collaboration with all stakeholders, and to assuring the highest quality of culturally competent services possible.

Wateree Community Actions

The purpose of Wateree Community Actions, Inc. is to help individuals achieve and maintain family stability and economic self-sufficiency. Funds received from federal, state and local public and private sources are used to address the areas of employment, housing, health and nutrition, education and training, social services, emergency assistance, economic development and effective community relations.