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Secondary English/Language Arts

English Language Arts


  • Encourage your child to read by showing that you are a reader! Read for enjoyment, instructions, connecting with others, etc.
  • Connect English Language Arts (ELA) to the real word by asking your child how what they are reading and writing connects to the world.
  • Engage your child in conversation about what they are reading and writing. Ask them what they see as a strengths of theirs and where they want to improve when it reading and writing.
  • Visit local libraries together and check out a book with your student! Libraries have sections specifically for young adult literature.
  • Allow your child to dislike a book. If your child does not like a book, engage him/her in a discussion about what specific things were not appealing. This will also help them choose future texts as well.
  • Help students see the importance of reading and writing by showing them how you use both at work and in everyday life.
  • Visit Common Sense Media for independent ratings and reviews for nearly everything students want to watch, read, play, and learn.


District Resources 

Flocabulary is a library of songs, videos and activities for K-12 online learning. Flocabulary is a learning program that uses educational hip hop music to engage students and reinforce core knowledge and skills.

Discovery Education is online streaming that includes content-specific and standards based videos, interactive activities, reading passages, skill builders and writing prompts that engage students and extend critical thinking.  Students can log in using the same username and password that they log into school computers with to gain access at school or at home.

Students can log in to access Newsela content which includes, standards-aligned reading activities, primary source documents, science content, and biography content currated from popular news sources and adapted for students to read and understand. 

Additional Resources 

Students can gain access to many of the same resources they use during the school year over the summer. Discus – South Carolina’s Virtual Library is the “information place” for all South Carolinians. Discus, which stands for Digital Information for South Carolina Users, provides free access to an electronic library that’s available 24/7. Discus is a collection of subscription databases with an array of resources ranging from books and magazines to maps and videos. This collection of databases provides high-quality publications in an easy to navigate format for students. Discus allows students to safely search for up-to-date information without sifting through advertisements and non-educational results found in search engines such as Google. is an online database of thousands of multimedia resources students can use to explore young adults books and authors.


Parent Friendly Standards for English Language Arts:

Includes information about the standards, learning at home activities, and additional information.