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For Parents



In this section are dates, times and topics for "Family First" Virtual Parent Workshops for 2022 - 2023 school year. Parents are required to attend atleast one parent workshop while the student is enrolled in R.E.S.E.T 

If you are unable to attend due to work schedules or other scheduling conflicts, your R.E.S.E.T Social Worker will meet with you for a one-on-one virtual or inperson session that is individualized to meet your needs. We can look at times that will be suitable for your schedule. It takes a village to promote change for our students and we value your insight, input and involvement as your child transitions through the program. 

"Parents are a child's first teacher and home is a child's first and most important classroom"


R.E.S.E.T "Family First" Protective Factors are:

  • Resilience: Parent Resilience

  • Relationships: Positive Social Connections

  • Support: Concrete Support in Times of Need

  • Knowledge: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

  • Communication: Social and Emotional Competence