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Message from the Coordinator


Kimberly L. Suber

Welcome to the R.E.S.E.T Program.

The team at R.E.S.E.T is excited to be one of the many programs offered through Richland One School District. At R.E.S.E.T, we are focused on improving the outcome of your child through the use of intensive behavior and academic interventions.

While at R.E.S.E.T your child is being exposed to a caring team of educators and behavior support staff who will work with your child’s home school to develop a structured and individualized plan targeted to meet your child’s needs. Of course, that plan cannot be successful without your partnership. We are depending on your enthusiasm and cooperation in meeting the RESET mission.

As Program Coordinator, I am pleased to welcome you to our program. I encourage your feedback in helping to provide opportunities for success to the students of Richland One.


Educationally yours,

Kimberly Suber


*Parents refers to the student’s guardian