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Procurement Authorization Levels & Monthly PO Information


Authorization Levels for Procurement

As of July 1, 2022

 (1)  Purchases not in excess of $5,000.00.  SMALL PURCHASES not exceeding $5,000.00 may be accomplished without securing competitive quotations if the prices are considered to be reasonable.  The Procurement Officer or Buyer indicates by signature on the purchase order that:  “Price is fair and reasonable.”  Such purchases shall be distributed equitably among qualified suppliers.  When practical, a quotation must be solicited from other than the previous supplier before placing a repeat order.  The administrative cost of verifying the reasonableness of the price of purchase “not in excess of” may more than offset potential savings in detecting instances of overpricing; therefore, action to verify the reasonableness of the price needs to be taken only when the Procurement Officer or Buyer suspects that the price may not be reasonable; e.g., comparison to previous price paid, or personal knowledge of the item involved.

Exception: Pcard purchases shall not exceed $2,500.00 for Single Transaction Limit (STL).

(2) Purchases from $5,001.00 to $25,000.00.  Solicitations of written quotes from a minimum of three (3) qualified sources of supply shall be made and the award will be made to the lowest, responsive and responsible source, or for a small purchase of commercially available off the shelf products not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, or for a small purchase of construction not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars. The award must be made to the lowest responsive and responsible sources. The request for quotes must include a purchase description. Requests must be distributed equitably among qualified supplies unless advertised as provided above.

(3) Purchases from $25,001.00 to $100,000.00. Solicitation of written quotations from three (3) qualified sources of supply shall be made and the award will be made to the lowest, responsive and responsible source. The procurement must be advertised at least once in the South Carolina Business Opportunities or a newspaper of general circulation in the District. A copy of the written solicitation and written quotes must be attached to the purchase requisition. The award must be made to the lowest responsive and responsible source or, when a request for proposal process is used, the highest ranking offeror, or for a small purchase of commercially available off the shelf products not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, or for a small purchase of construction not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars. The award must be made to the lowest responsive and responsible sources. The request for quotes must include a purchase description. Requests must be distributed equitably among qualified supplies unless advertised as provided above

 (4)             Procurements of $100,000 or More.  All competitive procurements of $100,000.00 or more must be advertised in The State Newspaper or South Carolina Business Opportunities or through a means of central electronic advertising.  The District may charge vendors the costs incurred for copying and mailing bid or proposal documents requested in response to a procurement advertised in The State Newspaper or South Carolina Business Opportunities.



