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Performance Evaluation Services

Performance Evaluation Services

1616 Richland Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Phone: 803-231-7427
Fax: 803-231-7417

Daniel Oddo, Performance Evaluation Services Coordinator

The Performance Evaluations Office, which is part of Human Resource Services, coordinates the following performance evaluation systems for Richland One employees:
  • Less than 152-days Employees evaluation
  • New Teachers Induction and Mentoring Program for Induction Contract Personnel
  • South Carolina Teaching Standards SCTS 4.0 Expanded ADEPT system
  • Development and Evaluation of Professional Teaching (ADEPT)
  • The Goal-Based Evaluation (GBE) component of ADEPT
  • The Support Personnel Evaluation (SPE)
  • The Program for Assisting, Developing and Evaluating Principals Performance (PADEPP)
The Classified Personnel Evaluation Program is being coordinated by the Director for Classified Employment Services in the office of Human Resource Services. Additional information concerning classified personnel evaluations may be obtained by calling Human Resource Services at (803) 231-7418. Basic information may be found under Classified Programs in this site.

Links to all the other evaluation programs are also found below at the left. For more information and to view documents required for the evaluation process, follow these links.

All employees, according to district policy and state regulations, will be evaluated annually, either with a formal or an informal evaluation depending on the contract level, evaluation cycle status or job performance status. All employees will receive an orientation to their evaluation system before being evaluated and will be evaluated by persons who have been trained to function as evaluators.

No employee may grieve the results of a formal evaluation, but any employee, with concerns about the final results of their performance evaluation, may request a review by a third party of the documentation used in their performance evaluation.

The request for review must be put in writing to the appropriate executive director or the Chief Human Resources Officer, if the the employee is not under the supervision of an executive director. The request must be made within five days of receiving the results of the final evaluation.

The decision of the executive director or the Chief Human Resources Officer is final for employees on the induction contract level and for classified personnel at the end of their first six-month probation period.

After reviewing the results of an evaluation the only rulings that the executive director, the Chief Human Resources Officer or the superintendent may render are to uphold the results of the evaluation or void the results. If the results are voided, the employee will undergo an evaluation the following year under a different person or under a different evaluation team assigned by the Chief Human Resources Officer or his/her designee.

Annual and Continuing Contract personnel have the right to request a hearing with the superintendent if they do not accept the decision of the executive director or the Chief Human Resources Officer. Annual Contract personnel have the right to an informal hearing and the decision of the superintendent is final. Continuing Contract personnel, who are covered by the South Carolina Employment and Dismissal Act, have the right to a formal hearing. Continuing Contract personnel have the right to request a hearing with the Board of School Commissioners if they do not accept the decision of the superintendent.

The South Carolina Tenure and Promotion Act covers all continuing-contract employees. All continuing-contract personnel have the right to appeal the recommendation and/or decision made as a result of their formal evaluation by submitting a letter to the Chief Human Resources Officer within five days after receiving the results of the review of their formal evaluation or after receiving the recommendation or decision made for the following year.

Employees may download copies of the performance evaluation instruments from the Internet. Information and assistance with all performance evaluation concerns are available from principals or immediate supervisors or from the Performance Evaluation Office in Human Resource Services at 231-7427.


Daniel Oddo, Performance Evaluation Services Coordinator
Located at Stevenson Administration Building (SAB), room 101

Mailing Address
1616 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201
District Mail : SAB 580
SAB: 803.231-7427
Fax: 803.231-7417