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Director - Dr. Sandra Lindsay-Brown

Waverley Administration Center
1225 Oak Street
Suites 204 & 206
Columbia, SC 29204

Phone - (803) 231-6815 or 6816
Fax - (803) 231-6824

Our Mission:

The mission of the Richland County School District One Office of Federal and State Programs is to ensure students in identified schools have equitable access to supplemental resources, are career and college ready, and achieve proficiency on rigorous local and state assessments.

What is Title I?

Title I is the largest federal assistance program. The goal is to provide a high-quality education for every child. The office serves the children who are furthest from meeting the state standards set for all children. Richland One’s Office of Federal and State Programs supplements the district’s instructional program for all students in Federal and State Program designated schools.

Our Services Include...

  • Support services, program management, and technical assistance to Elementary, Middle, and High schools
  • Support for Pre-Kindergarten classes across the school district
  • Parent and Family Engagement Specialists who serve all schools in Richland One
  • District Parent Advisory Council and implementation of overall Parent & Family Engagement Plan
  • Private School support 
  • Neglected and Delinquent fund management (Plan development, support, technical assistance and professional development)
  • Support and monitoring for Homeless programs (tutorial services, professional learning opportunities, and emergency transportation) in collaboration with Student Support Services
  • Support and monitoring for Foster Care Programs in collaboration with Student Support Services
  • Support and technical assistance for identified CSI and Priority schools
  • Support for identified Federal and State Programs designated Schools 
  • Early Childhood Assistance Team (ECAT)


Current Title I Plan


First page of the PDF file: FY25RCSD1TitleIPlan92324