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Facts About High School Dropouts

Facts About High School Dropouts

    • High school dropouts are eligible for only 10% of jobs


    • A person 25 years old or older without a high school diploma is twice as likely to be living in poverty, as compared to a person 25 years old or older with a high school diploma


    • Dropouts have a life expectancy of six to nine years less than high school graduates


    • Dropouts earn over one million dollars less than college graduates during their working years


    • Dropouts are more likely to be involved in risky behaviors such as drug use and violence


    • Of state prison inmates, 75% do not have a high school diploma



Life Changing Questions...


Are you considering dropping out of School?

Have you dropped out of school and want to return to get your high school diploma?

Is the traditional school environment not working for you?

Are you bored with your classes?

Are you behind a grade or more?

Do you have difficulty in reading and understanding assignments?

Do you need a change in your life?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to contact the Richland One Office of Dropout Prevention. We will be glad to assist you in making a change to get your life back on track! Contact our office and learn about the variety of services that maybe able to get you the education you need and deserve!