Multilingual Learner Programs
The goal of Richland County School District One's Multilingual Learner Program is to provide equal educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse students who have a primary or home language other than English and who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) or Non-English Proficient (NEP). The primary focus of the instructional program is to provide an English-rich environment so that LEP and NEP students become proficient in English as soon as possible. The instructional program provides support while students transition into complete mainstream instruction.
Richland County School District One creates a learning environment that provides cognitive and affective support to help language minority students become contributing members of society. The ESOL Program, beginning with kindergarten and continuing through high school, provides each LEP or NEP student with an opportunity to acquire knowledge of the US culture and to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency in order to be academically successful in mainstream classes.