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The Tiers of MTSS




Tier I (All Students) - provides Quality Core Instruction and school-wide positive behavior plan that meets the academic and behavioral needs of all students. Tier I instruction consists of scientific, research-based programs and frameworks that align to state standards and best practices proven to be effective for all students.

Tier II (Some Students) - includes Tier I instruction and additional more focused supports and targeted interventions for students who continue to need support beyond Quality Core Instruction and/or the schoolwide behavior plan. Student progress continues to be monitored towards a specific goal by the MTSS Team.

Tier III (Few Students) - provides interventions that are more focused, intensive, and longer in duration in addition to the support received in Tiers I and II. Academic and behavioral supports adjust to the student’s response to Quality Core Instruction and previous interventions. Progress monitoring is more intensive for those students with greater academic or behavioral needs and for those considered for a different placement.