Montessori Schools
Brockman Elementary serves 3K - 5th grade children in the Brennen, Bradley and Satchel Ford Elementary attendance zones.
Please Visit Brockman's Website Here
Caughman Road serves 3K - 5th grade children in the Burnside, Caughman Road, Gadsden, Hopkins, Horrell Hill, Meadowfield, Mill Creek, A.C. Moore, Rosewood, S. Kilbourne and Webber Elementary attendance zones.
Please Visit Caughman's Website Here
Logan Elementary serves 3K - 5th grade children in the Keenan, C.A. Johnson, Columbia and Eau Claire High School attendance zones.
Please Visit Logan's Website Here
W.G. Sanders' Montessori program serves all of the children in grades 6th - 8th that attended one of our Montessori elementary schools. It also accepts any child transferring from a Montessori school and lives in the district.
Please Visit Sander's Website Here
If you would like to schedule a visit to one of our Montessori schools, call the school directly to schedule a tour.