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Board Policy Revisions

2019-2020 New Policies and Policy Revisions


Policy BE School Board Meetings

Issued _03/2020The basic structure for the conduct of board meetings is established by the board.

All board meetings will be conducted in accordance with the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. All board meetings, except for periods in which the board is in executive sessions, are open to the public. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will govern all matters not covered by the rules of the board. Board members may call in during open session meetings during pandemic designations by the state and\or the United States. At such times, meetings may be conducted via audio or live-streamed for the public. Attendance restrictions may be established for the benefit of the public and school district workers.


Annual Meeting

The board holds its annual organizational meeting in December. The board elects officers and installs officers at the annual meeting.

The board swears in new members during election years in November.


Regular Board Meetings

There will be at least one regular meeting of the board each month at a time and date determined by the board annually and announced publicly. These meetings, at which the board will transact the business brought before it, will be open to the public.

In unusual circumstances, the board may change the time and place of the regular meeting, or any regular meeting, upon a majority vote of the board.

Work Sessions

From time to time the board may meet in work sessions. The purpose of these sessions will be for the board to have opportunities for planning and discussion without formal action. Topics for discussion will be announced publicly, and sessions will be conducted in accordance with state law.

Special Meetings

The chairperson of the board or a majority of members of the board may call a special meeting of the full board. The superintendent should give at least 24 hours notice to all members of the board and the public except when emergency conditions make such notice impossible.

Public Hearings

The board may conduct public hearings from time to time in order for the public to express their views regarding a specific issue. The board will conduct such meetings in an orderly manner in accordance with board policy and regulation.


Adopted 5/9/00; Revised 10/5/18, 11/13/18, 3/24/2020

Legal References:

S.C. Code, 1976, as amended: Section 24-25-60 - Board to elect officers; terms; meetings; compensation.





Policy BEDH Public Participation At Meetings

3/2020The board suspends public participation and attendance at school board meetings until the COVD-19 pandemic concludes.The public is cordially invited to participate live-streamed board meetings. The board conducts meetings for the purpose of carrying on the official business of the school district. The meetings are not public forum meetings but are meetings held in public. Orderly conduct of a meeting does not permit spontaneous discussion from the audience. Regular, special and emergency meetings are open to the general public, news media and school staff via audio or live-streaming until further notice.


The board urges all persons to participate through established procedures. These procedures are designed to encourage participation and ensure the orderly management of the school district. The board is committed to compliance with the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act as well as all other federal and state laws which regulate or impinge on board actions and policy. Comments should be directed to Mrs. Eva Wilson at for all live-streamed meetings. A response will be provided within ten (10) workdays.

Adopted 5/9/00, 3/24/2020

Legal references:

S.C. Code, 1976, as amended: Section 30-4-10, et seq. - South Carolina Freedom of Information Act.