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Applicant Forms

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Form Name  

Form File

Teacher Reference Form:

In order for an application to be considered complete, teaching applicants are required to submit three professional references. Please print reference forms for completion by the individuals you have selected as references. Completed reference forms must be forwarded to the Office of Human Resource Services, 1616 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

Teacher Reference

Classified (Non-Teaching) Reference Form:

In order for an application to be considered complete, non-teaching applicants are required to submit three professional references. Please print reference forms for completion by the individuals you have selected as references. Completed reference forms must be forwarded to the Office of Human Resource Services, 1616 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

Classified Reference Form

Substitute Teacher Reference Form:

In order for an application to be considered complete, substitute teacher applicants are required to submit three professional references. Please print reference forms for completion by the individuals you have selected as references. Completed reference forms must be forwarded to the Office of Human Resource Services, 1616 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

*All non-teaching substitute applicants should complete Classified Reference forms.

Substitute Reference Form

Administrator Reference Form:

Three professional references are required for an application to be considered complete. Please forward completed reference forms or letters to the Office of Human Resource Services, 1616 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201.  

Administrator Reference Form