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Certificate Renewal Plan and Forms

Explanation of the Plan

The purpose of the new Certificate Renewal Plan is to provide a method that certified educators employed by the district with a contractual agreement can use to apply a broad range of relevant professional development activities to meet their certification renewal requirements. South Carolina state statute and State Board of Education regulations require that a teacher have a valid certificate in the area(s) he or she is teaching.  It is the sole responsibility and the contractual obligation of the employee to maintain a valid certificate.

Professional certificate renewals are processed through the Coordinator of teacher Quality, Dr. Tammy Small. Please reach out to the Renewal Administrator at your school for further information and to send your renewal packet for processing. For additional information about certification issues, please visit the State Department of Education Office of Teacher Certification or Dr. Tammy Small, the Coordinator of Teacher Quality.

For additional information about certification issues, please visit State Department of Education Office of Teacher Certification or Dr. Tammy Small.

It is a systematic method to integrate the requirements of employment with evaluation and professional development to support the goals of teachers, districts, school renewal and strategic plans.

The Jason Flatt Act of South Carolina (HB 4690)

Governor Nikki Haley signed The Jason Flatt Act into law on May 14, 2012. This legislation requires mandatory youth suicide awareness and prevention training for teachers and principals.

Major components of the legislation are:

  1. Mandatory youth suicide awareness and prevention training for all middle and high school teachers.
  2. Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, in-service training must include two hours of youth suicide awareness and prevention education.
  3. Training is required in order to maintain or renew their teaching license.
  4. Training counts toward the 120 hours of credit already needed for renewal every five years.
  5. The SC Department of Education will develop guidelines for suitable training materials.
  6. This education may be accomplished through self-review of suitable suicide prevention material approved by the school districts.

The training may be found using the link below. The only module accepted to meet the requirement at this time is Module 2: Mental Health Issues Surrounding Suicidal Ideation.

SC Jason Flatt