Regulation 43-241 of the State Board of Education provides that services be considered for students who are unable to attend school because of illness, accident, or pregnancy, even with the aid of transportation, but could benefit from instruction provided in the home or hospital. To qualify, a licensed Physician, Nurse Practitioner, in compliance with the requirements of the Nurse Practice Act, Physicians Assistant, in compliance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Medical Practice Act, or Psychiatrist, must certify that the student is unable to attend school. Once the medical professional makes a recommendation, the School Homebound Committee will review to examine whether accommodations or modifications to the educational environment could be made to maintain the student in school. The school will submit their recommendation, along with the medical and supporting documentation from the attending physician, to the District Homebound office for consideration. The District Homebound Coordinator, which is the Superintendents designee, will then make a determination of whether to approve or deny the request for instruction based on the best interest of the student.
The Medical Homebound Instruction Program cannot replicate the complete educational experience and every effort is made to provide continuity of instruction services and enable students to return to the classroom equal to their peers.
Coretta McGill
Coordinator - Office Of Alternative Education
Lyon Street Student Services Center
1310 Lyon Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29204
803-231-6904 phone
803-231-7180 fax
Essie Garner
Administrative Assistant
Lyon Street Student Services Center
1310 Lyon Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29204
803-231-6887 phone
803-231-7180 fax