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The EXCEL Academy is a short-term. flexible tier 2 academic program for students in grades 8-12 who have experienced setbacks academically and are either over-age or not on track to graduate. The EXCEL Academy is not an alternative school nor a behavioral reform program. Our goal is for students to return to their zoned school on track for on time graduation or to meet the requirements for graduation by the State of South Carolina. Students are recommended by their zoned school guidance counselor or other district personnel and interviewed by EXCEL Academy staff to be considered for entry. Parental involvement is extremely important and encouraged for the success of the student.




Students who are over-age for grade level

  • 9th Grade Repeaters
  • Tier 2 Academic Students
  • Any student 1-2 grade levels behind targeted graduation date
  • Students needing smaller learning environment





  • Be enrolled in and attend a Richland One middle or high school
  • Must complete the application and interview process
  • Students needing to receive one or more credits for on-time graduation or acceleration into correct grade level




For more information please call 803-735-3435
5935 Token Street
Columbia, SC 29203 


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We place a lot of emphasis upon attendance at Excel Academy.  We believe that only by regular attendance your child can best benefit from the academic programs we have to offer him/her in the district.

If your child visited the doctor, please provide a medical statement.  Please be advised that only ten parent notes will be accepted during the school year.

The Richland County School District One policy states that after three consecutive or five cumulative unexcused absences parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified by letter and required to come to school to develop an Attendance Intervention Plan.