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Elementary Social Studies Teacher Resources


Web-based Resources

SCDE 2019 Social Studies College & Career Ready Standards

Additional SCDE Instructional Resources

Educator Professional Literature

Social Studies and the Young Learner - The goal of Social Studies and the Young Learner is to capture and enthuse elementary teachers across the country by providing relevant and useful information about the teaching of social studies to elementary students. The teaching techniques presented in this peer-reviewed journal are designed to stimulate the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills vital to classroom success.

Social Education - The award-winning resources include techniques for using materials in the classroom, information on the latest instructional technology, reviews of educational media, research on significant social studies-related topics, and lesson plans that can be applied to various disciplines.

Suggested Instructional Resources

Social Studies Textbook Resources
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  • Grade 3 – World Geography

Studies Weekly World Geography

  •  Grade 4 – United States & South Carolina Studies, Part I

United States Early Years

  •  Grade 5 – United States & South Carolina Studies, Part II

United States Modern Times

Virtual Field Trips

South Carolina State Museum Virtual Exhibits

Discovery Education Interactive Virtual Field Trips

Wide Open Schools – Virtual Field Trips (Gr 3- 5)

Interactive Tour of Ellis Island

Virtual Museum Tours for Students