Elementary Social Studies Parent Resources
Parent Support:
SC Social Standards https://tinyurl.com/z8w59ut
Profile of South Carolina Graduate: The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has identified the knowledge, skills, and characteristics a high school graduate should possess in order to be prepared for success as they enter college or pursue a career. Richland One Elementary Social Studies curriculum follows the profile to guide all that is done in support of college- and career-readiness.
Social Studies Activities https://www.education.com/activity/social-studies/
SC African American Calendar http://scafricanamerican.com/
Home Support:
Here are seven activities you can do to support Social Studies instruction at home.
- Make social studies a part of daily life.
- Get involved in local community events so that your child sees how important it is to become an active community member. Attend local cultural events with your child.
- Take every opportunity you can to explain to your children about our civic rights and responsibilities. When it’s time to vote, explain the importance of this right and critical responsibility. Remind them that for most people in our history- especially women, people of color, and the poor-this was a hard won right. If you are called to jury duty, teach your children about how our justice system works.
- Use the daily newspaper to teach your children about current events. Find time to discuss current events and historical events. Discuss how events impact today’s life.
- Discuss with your children the topics you learn about while reading the paper, surfing the web, or watching the news. Then ask them for their opinions on political, social, and economic matters. Listen, ask probing questions, and compliment them on their reasoning.
- Talk about the holidays, especially public holidays like Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day. These days mean much more than a day off from work or a sale! Discuss the meanings of these holidays, the people and events they celebrate, and how they impact our lives today.
- Provide opportunities for your child to learn about the economy and economics. Help your child to understand what money is? From where does money come? How is money earned? How to save money?
Profile of South Carolina Graduate:
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has identified the knowledge, skills, and characteristics a high school graduate should possess in order to be prepared for success as they enter college or pursue a career. Richland One Elementary Social Studies curriculum follows the profile to guide all that is done in support of college- and career-readiness. Please click the link to review the Profile of SC Graduate