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Elementary Science Parent Resources

Elementary Science Parent Resources

What should my child learn at each grade level in science?

3rd Grade Science       4th Grade Science      5th Grade Science

Parent Resource Links:

  •  Science Standards

  • Learners can explore content in a fun way on this site.

  • This interactive site is great for exploring various science concepts.              

  • Explore multiple sites.

  • Profile of the South Carolina Graduate

Home Support:

Here are a few things that you can do to support science instruction at home:

  • Show children examples of science around them.
  • Provide opportunities for your children to make observations, ask questions, experiment and tinker at home.
  • Ensure that students have easy access to science related materials at home(books, magazines, games, toys, etc.).
  • Take field trips to science related destinations (zoo, planetarium, museum, aquarium, etc.).
  • Use various objects around the house and build something with your child.
  • As you prepare dinner, engage your child in conversations about the math and science you utilize in cooking.
  • Watch science related television shows or movies and have discussions about the science that you observe.
  • Engage students in problem solving at home.

 Profile of South Carolina Graduate:

The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has identified the knowledge, skills, and characteristics a high school graduate should possess in order to be prepared for success as they enter college or pursue a career. Richland One Elementary Social Studies curriculum follows the profile to guide all that is done in support of college- and career-readiness. Please click the link to review the Profile of SC Graduate.