Elementary English Language Arts Parent Resources
Parent Resource Links:
Family Friendly Guides to SC Standards
Lexile Framework Resources for Parents and Students
Profile of the South Carolina Graduate
What should my child learn at each grade in ELA?
3rd grade ELA 4th grade ELA 5th grade ELA
Home Support:
Here are some activities you can do to support reading and writing instruction at home:
- Read aloud daily to your child. Talk about the pictures. Make predictions about a story and see if they come true. Read aloud a chapter-book before bed.
- Tell lots of family stories. Ask lots of questions when your child tells you a story. Ask them to identify the beginning, middle, and end or climax of the story.
- Encourage your child to imagine or share stories from pictures in magazines, newspapers or family photographs.
- Look back over your child’s writings with them. Notice and praise the growth your child is making as a writer.
- Let your child see you read for pleasure. Share vocabulary, quotes, characters, and the story with them. Compare similarities and differences between your book and the books your child is reading.
Profile of South Carolina Graduate:
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has identified the knowledge, skills, and characteristics a high school graduate should possess in order to be prepared for success as they enter college or pursue a career. Richland One Elementary Social Studies curriculum follows the profile to guide all that is done in support of college- and career-readiness. Please click the link to review the Profile of SC Graduate.
SC READY Information
The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Assessments (SC READY) program is a statewide assessment in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics administered to students in grades 3–8 as required by the Education Accountability Act.
SC READY Assessment items measure student performance on the South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards. SC READY English language arts and mathematics items are aligned with the 2023 SC ELA Standards.
The SC READY test items are aligned to the standards for each subject and grade level. Standards specify what schools are expected to teach and what students are expected to learn. Academic standards also include indicators that are statements of the specific cognitive processes and the content knowledge and skills that students must demonstrate to meet the grade-level standards. SC READY test items are written to assess the content knowledge and skills described in the academic standards and indicators.
This information was taken from the South Carolina Department of Education SC READY website.
Helpful Links
SC READY Information for Parents
SC READY ELA Test Blueprint Grades 3-5
Read to Succeed Information
Read to Succeed is South Carolina's comprehensive reading reform policy enacted
into law (Act 284) in June 2014. For additional information, please visit our Read to Succeed page.
Summer Learning Academy
Richland School District One offers an in person five-week Summer Learning Academy (SLA) as required by Act 284, Read to Succeed. The purpose of the Richland One Summer Learning Academy is to provide students who are significantly below grade-level in reading and math with the opportunity to receive high-quality, intensive instructional services and support. The primary objective of the program is to improve the literacy and numeracy levels of all participants.