Elementary English Language Arts
Structured literacy is an evidence-based approach to reading instruction that emphasizes a systematic and explicit method of teaching reading and writing skills. It is grounded in the science of reading, focusing on the fundamental components necessary for literacy development.
Structured literacy employs a multi-sensory approach, integrating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities to reinforce learning. Instruction is explicit, with clear guidance and practice in each component of reading. This may include:
Direct Instruction: Teachers provide clear explanations and model skills before guiding students through practice.
Progression of Skills: Skills are taught in a logical sequence, starting with the most basic concepts, and gradually moving to more complex ones.
Frequent Assessment: Ongoing assessment helps monitor student progress and inform instruction.
In Richland One, we use McGraw-Hill Wonders as our primary curriculum for all students in grades K-5. Wonders is an evidence-based K–5 ELA program that empowers students to take an active role in learning and exploration. Reading instruction in Wonders is explicit and supports students in building knowledge in foundational reading skills, phonics/word analysis, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary.
Learners who are identified as having skill deficits must receive consistent and targeted instruction in addition to what is provided through daily Tier 1 core instruction. Targeted support can be provided during the ELA block, or at a separate pull-out time. Increasing the intensity, frequency, duration, and/or format of evidence-based instructional practices is what classifies a specific method as an intervention.
Link: ELA Interventions
ELA Teacher Resources
Link: Elementary Family-Friendly Standards
Link: Elementary English Language Arts Teacher Resources
2024 South Carolina College-and-Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts
Instructional Resources Aligned to the 2024 SC CCR ELA Standards
Karin Hess Reading Cognitive Rigor and Depth of Knowledge Rigor Matrix
Karin Hess Writing and Speaking Cognitive Rigor and Depth of Knowledge Matrix