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Elementary AAP English Teacher Resources


Fountas & Pinnell Classroom

District Created Curriculum Units

Reading Strategies Book

Writing Strategies Book

Comprehension & Collaboration Inquiry Circles in Action

The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades K-8: Behaviors and Understandings to Notice, Teach, and Support.

 Web-based Resources

South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts

South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts by Grade Level

South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts Vertical Articulation

Glossary of Terms from the SC-ELA Standards 2015

Literacy Glossary from the International Literacy Association

Karin Hess’ Reading Cognitive Rigor and Depth of Knowledge Matrix

 Karin Hess’ Writing and Speaking Cognitive Rigor and Depth of Knowledge Matrix

Fountas & Pinnell Classroom

Reading A-Z

