Elementary AAP Content Focus
AAP Math Supplemental Resources Content Focus
Grade 3
How Big Is Big: Understanding and Using Large Numbers
Students are introduced to numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000 using a variety of models and operations. They will apply their previous understanding of place value and extend their learning of the relative size of numbers in each place up to one million.
Awesome Algebra: Looking for Patterns and Generalizations
Students study patterns and determine how they change, how they can be extended or repeated, and how they grow. They develop generalizations about mathematical relationships in the patterns. Students will then create an Awesome Algebra board game.
In Search of the Yeti: Measuring Up, Down and All Around
In this unit on measurement, students are actively engaged in the measurement process and connect it to their own personal worlds. Students go “In Search on the Yeti” as they learn about perimeter, area, and volume.
Grade 4
Factors, Multiples, and Leftovers: Linking Multiplication and Division
Students develop their number sense with a deeper understanding of multiplication and division. They encounter a range of different problem situations and representations and lean about the relationship between multiplication and division and the properties associated with these operations. Students extend their thinking about multiplication to factors and multiples, and also look at relationships among prime, composite, square, odd, and even numbers.
Treasures from the Attic: Exploring Fractions
The focus of this unit is on making sense of fractions rather than learning algorithms to perform computations. Fractions concepts include equivalence, comparing and ordering, and addition and subtraction.
Grade 5
Record, Makers, & Breakers: Analyzing Graphs, Tables, and Equations
Students learn about algebra as a set of concepts tied to the representation of relationships either by words, tables, or graphs. They extend their notion of variable from a letter in an equation that represents a number to a broader definition, that of a quantity that varies or changes. Students also study constant and varying rates of change as an intuitive introduction to slope.
Getting Into Shapes: Exploring Relationships Among 2-D and 3-D Shapes
In Getting Into Shapes, students explore 2- and 3-dimensional shapes with a focus on their properties, relationships among them, and spatial visualization. The reasoning skills that they build upon in this unit help them to develop an understanding of more complex geometric concepts.
Designer Boxes: Exploring Volume & Surface Area
In this unit on geometric measurement, students build on the work they have done with area and perimeter and extend it to three-dimensional solids. They will improve their abilities to reason spatially as they learn about the relationships among faces, vertices, and edges of rectangular prisms and how to make and label drawings of boxes. Students also learn to make sense of and use formula.
Grades 3-5
Hands-On Equations
Hands-On Equations is a supplementary 3 level program that can be used with any math curriculum to provide students with a concrete foundation for algebra. It is a program that uses physical manipulative for modeling and solving equations.
- Third grade students are exposed to Level One.
- Fourth grade students are exposed to Level Two.
- Fifth grade students are exposed to Level Three.
*This information was taken from the Project M3 Brochure.*
Project M3 Brochure hyperlink - https://view.publitas.com/kendall-hunt-publishing-company/project-m3/page/1