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ECE Content Focus (Social Studies)

Early Childhood Social Studies Content Focus

Grade Kindergarten Focus: The Community Around Us
Kindergarten students will begin their social studies experience by examining ways they are part of a classroom community and all of the social studies concepts involved in that community. By comparing themselves with classmates, mapping their classroom, and exploring classroom wants and needs with their teacher, kindertarten students will start to use skills of a social studies thinker. Instruction should utilize the specific thinking skills of a historian, geographer, economist, and political scienctist developed for kindergartens. 

Grade 1 Focus : Life in South Carolina
Grade one students will continue their social studies experience by examining ways their community is a part of the state of South Carolina. By studying different geographic and economic features of the state, students will use skills of a social studies thinker when inquiriing into the diversity of the state. Instruction should utilize the specific thinking skills of a historian, geographer, economist, and political scientist, developed for grade  one. 

Grade 2 Focus: Life in the United States
Students in grade two will employ social studies skills as they begin to explore how South Carolina is a part of a larger entity with many similar customs, physical features, and economic and political concerns. Instruction should utilize the specific thinking skillls of a historian, geographer, economist, and political scientist, developed for grade two.

*Information retrieved from the South Carolina Department of Education
Social Studies Academic Standards website.