ECE Content Focus (Math)
Early Childhood Math Content Focus
Grade Kindergarten Focus:
As students work to understand mathematical concepts, they need to think about how they are learning and applying the concepts. A mathematically literate student in this grade can understand and master:
- Number Sense
- Number Sense and Base Ten
- Algebraic Thinking and Operations
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data Analysis
Grade 1 Focus:
As students progress with math, they work to continue to understand mathematical concepts. They continue to think and explore in how they are learning and applying the concepts.
A mathematically literate student in this grade can understand and master:
- Number Sense and Base Ten
- Algebraic Thinking and Operations
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data Analysis
Grade 2 Focus:
In a continued journey to progress with math, students work to expand knowledge and skills to master and apply mathematical concepts. They should advance with their thinking and progress and explain how they are learning and applying mathematical concepts.
A mathematically literate student in this grade can understand and master:
- Number Sense and Base Ten
- Algebraic Thinking and Operations
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data Analysis
In addition, students in all grades are applying Mathematical Practices in their quest for understanding math both conceptually and abstractly.
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason both contextually and abstractly.
- Use critical thinking skills to justify mathematical reasoning and critique the
reasoning of others. - Connect mathematical ideas and real-world situations through modeling.
- Use a variety of mathematical tools effectively and strategically.
- Communicate mathematically and approach mathematical situations with precision.
- Identify and utilize structure and patterns.
*Information retrieved from the South Carolina Department of Education
Mathematics Academic Standards website.