Early Childhood Assessment Information
Early Childhood Assessment Information
Pre-kindergarten Assessment
myIGDIS (my Individual Growth Development Indicators)
This assessment
- provides data and information to execute early interventions for students.
- is administered three times a year.
- requires mandatory face-to-face training for new teachers and new myIGDIS school coordinators.
- requires annual webinar refresher training for all teachers, coordinators, backup coordinators who have previously been trained.
myIGDIS RtI Resources:
Kindergarten Assessment
KRA (Kindergarten Readiness Assessment)
This assessment
- measures a child's school readiness across multiple domains.
- is administered within the first 45 days of school.
- requires mandatory face-to-face training for all new kindergarten teachers and new myIGDIS school coordinators who administer/monitor the assessment.
- requires annual webinar refresher training for all teachers, coordinators, backup coordinators who have previously been trained.
Grades 1 and 2 Assessment
BAS (Benchmark Assessment System-Fountas and Pinnell)
This assessment
- requires observations of students' reading behaviors.
- determines students' independent and instructional reading levels.
- connects assessments to instruction.
- is administered three times a year.
- requires mandatory training for new teachers and BAS school coordinators.
- provides data to execute interventions and differentiation.
These assessments
- measure both early literacy and early numeracy in a single assessment.
- provide reliable and valid data about students’ phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, fluency (including estimated oral reading fluency), and vocabulary.
- provide data about students' early number recognition, counting, and more.