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How To Become a Richland One Volunteer

Welcome to the Richland School District One Volunteer Program. 

volunteer pic
Serving Richland One students for almost 20 years, the volunteer program is successful. Children have shown improvement in the areas of behavior, self-esteem, relationships and academic achievement. The volunteering program has over 3,000 business partners and community volunteers in one of our 48 schools. 

This program matches caring adults with students in need of extra attention. The program has been established on "best practice" standards and is one of the longest, continuously running programs in the state. Volunteers are required to give a minimum time commitment depending upon the program in which they will participate. 
This program would not be taking place without you, and we thank you for being so caring and showing so much commitment. To ensure a successful future for today's youth, we must make sure that school is a top priority to them. Your time and commitment is greatly appreciated. Thank you for making a difference in a child's life.

How to become a Richland One Volunteer

  1. Potential volunteers interested in volunteering should obtain a volunteer application form from the school/site they desire to volunteer at or download from (click on the departments tab and select community involvement). Submit the completed applications a minimum of one month prior to service to the school/location. New volunteers must have their ID scanned into Raptor (Richland One visitor and volunteer tracking system). Applications submitted to the volunteer and mentoring programs coordinator will be forwarded to the school or returned to volunteers.

  2. If potential volunteers do not have a site of preference they should contact the volunteer and mentoring programs coordinator to identify a convenient site that has a need for the desired service.

  3. Once the volunteer and mentoring programs coordinator receives the application, the background check process will begin. This process typically takes two to four weeks. Schools and volunteers will be notified immediately if any concerns are identified.
  4. Upon receipt of a clear background check, the Volunteer and Mentoring Programs Coordinator will send an email (or letter) of approval the volunteer and copy the volunteer liaison. Then a file will be prepared containing the completed Volunteer Application (Richland One and DSS forms) and approve them in V-Soft. The file will be maintained in the Office of Communications in a locked filing cabinet.

  5. Should a potential volunteer’s criminal background check raise any questions or concerns, the application will be shared with district hiring staff for consideration. If it is determined that the volunteer is not appropriate for service, the volunteer coordinator will mail a letter to the individual and notify the school/site volunteer liaison via e-mail. All information will be kept confidential.

  6. In order to be considered an approved volunteer, new volunteers must attend a new volunteer orientation at the site of service and complete the “Volunteer Agreement”.

  7. School volunteer liaisons will coordinate with school staff to oversee the volunteer’s service at the school. This coordination includes placement/assignment, orientation, supervision, periodic evaluation, timely recognition and the necessary termination of volunteers when applicable.

  8. Richland One employees desiring to participate in any duties/activities outside of their paid job description will complete the Volunteer Employee Form (found on the Intranet) and obtain advance permission from their immediate supervisor.

  9. Volunteer applicants will provide two references from a person unrelated to the volunteer applicant and have the DSS form witnessed (it doesn’t have to be notarized).
  10. Richland One does reserve the right to deny a request for volunteer service if a determination is in the best interest of student(s). This discretion is within the sole discretion of the district.

  11. If an applicant desires to contest the determination of denied for volunteer service, they may do so in writing and include additional documentation for consideration. If it is determined that the volunteer is not appropriate for service, the volunteer coordinator will mail a letter to the individual and notify the school volunteer liaison via e-mail.

  12. Volunteers who remain active do not need to submit an application annually.

  13. Volunteers and coaches (paid and unpaid) working with athletic teams are processed through Human Resources. Volunteers who help in the coaching of interscholastic athletics must meet the S.C. High School League’s requirement of being employed by the board. (See board policy IDF-R.).