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PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT - Continuous Improvement Cycle Materials

PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT - Continuous Improvement Cycle Materials


P.D.C.A. Resources

Richland One PDCA Cycle in Chart Form (click link)


The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle is model for continuous improvement in Richland One.  The PDCA Cycle is the basic framework for ensuring quality. It is used in designing curriculum and delivering classroom instruction, in providing student support services, staff goal setting and evaluation, developing any new program, product or process design, planning strategically and starting a new improvement project or implementing any change.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle is a process that forms the basis for team planning in order to remove barriers that impede academic success.

It provides a structure for creating school-wide participation in the planning and implementation of a continuous improvement process.

This cyclical process originated in the Total quality movement with the input of Walter Shewhart, W. Edwards Deming And Joseph Juran.

New quality movements have evolved from the early foundations in manufacturing to other sectors such as healthcare, service, government and education.

Are you...
  • A role model for continuous improvement?
  • Using quality tools to enhance your own effectiveness as a teacher?
  • Analyzing a variety of data to know what to change?
  • Working collaboratively to identify problems and seek solutions to improve quality?
  • Seeking feedback from students regularly to eliminate barriers to their success?
Does your classroom have...
  • A climate that demonstrates the two principles of "I am responsible for my own learning" and "I am responsible for the whole group"?
  • Charts on the walls listing learning goals and showing progress toward those goals?
  • Students who are actively engaged and enthusiastic about learning?
Are your students...
  • Setting learning goals and measuring their own progress?
  • Working collaboratively in teams? Using PDCA process to improve?
  • Familiar with quality tools and using them to improve learning?

Quality Tools for P.D.C.A.

You can use quality tools in your classroom to:
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Document your current situation
  • Identify causes of learning problems
  • Implement changes
  • Keep track of results
Cause analysis tools:
  • Fishbone diagram
  • Scatter diagram
Data collection and analysis tools:
  • Control chart
  • Scatter Diagram
  • Survey
Idea creation tools:
  • Affinity diagram
  • Brainstorming
  • Nominal group technique
Process analysis tools:

Examples of Districts using P.D.C.A.

  • Pearl River, a NY School District, 2001 recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award uses PDCA cycle as a model for defining most of their work processes from the boardroom to the classroom.

  • Pekin Public School District 108, in Pekin, Illinois, began a dramatic turnaround in 2000 when it began using the Continuous Improvement model with quality tools and PDCA cyclical process.

  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System, in Charlotte, NC.

  • Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk Virginia uses the Continuous Improvement model.

  • Clark County School District, in Las Vegas, Nevada

  • And many other districts across the nation…