Forms and Resources
Work-Based Learning (WBL) forms
Educators, Career Specialists, and Counselors
On-Site Job Shadowing Form
Virtual Job Shadowing Form
R1 Career Guidance and Work-Based Learning
WBL Career College Ready (CCR) Forms - required documents
WBL Student Training Agreement (Internship, Apprenticeship, Cooperative Education, Pre-Apprenticeship)
WBL Employer Evaluation
WBL Student Timesheet (or paystub may be submitted to document work hours)
Alternative WBL Experience Plan
Frequently Asked Questions
Structured Field Study vs. Field Trip
Extending Learning vs. Work-Based Learning
Entering WBL Data in PowerSchool
Resources for virtual job shadowing, employability (soft) skills, and job preparation:
MicroCareer Burst - Reflection Form
WBL Monthly Newsletter