Practice CMC
This is a custom app called Staff Directory which does not exist in Composer elements. Please work with your Client Enablement Consultant or join a Best Practice Workshop on how to add the content using Composer best practices.
This is the Heading/Title click the T above to select to become ADA compliant
The Tx will set everything back to the orginal text, taking all changes away.
The feather above is to set the size of the font.
2nd row - paste as text - allows the copied text to come over as your font format. Use short cuts to copy and paste.
2nd row - Insert Link - where is the website coming from, use first option
Linking to an outside website. Type web address or copy and paste. Text to display is what the public will see. Next Choose Target - Will it open in a new window or in the site itself. Best to open in a new window.
Images - choose where the picture is coming from. The add alternative text. 100 pixels equals about an inch. Alignment is important is if you want text wrap...meaning do you want it on the left or right. Pinning give you a little extra space above r below the picture.
Caroline uploaded this picture
Upload a file is next to upload image. This is where I can upload my documents to the page.
Horizontal line puts a line between text.Horse shoe?
Spell check - must click.