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budget services


Budget Services

budget picture


Central Services Facility
201 Park Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-231-7044

Ciera Bing, Director of Budget Services



The responsibilities of Budget Services include assisting in the development of the district's budgets, monitoring the activity of the budgets and providing budget assistance to all schools and departments. The budgets include the general fund, special revenue funds, internal service funds and an enterprise fund. 


For a school year, the development of the general fund budget begins in August of the previous school year and is usually finalized in June. Budget Services is closely involved in all aspects of the formulation of the general fund budget.


Development of the special revenue, internal service and enterprise budgets is a coordinated effort between the staff of Budget Services and the director of that particular budget. The level of Budget Services' involvement depends upon the complexity of the budget and the requirements of the department administrator.


Through the use of summary reports, Budget Services monitors the activity of the budgets to ensure the schools and departments stay within their approved budget. Budget Services are available to meet with the personnel of the schools and departments to review their budgets and to answer questions.


Budget Services is responsible for the maintenance of the Position Control system for the district. The system enhances the ability to account for positions by location, by type and by funding source. Position Control is an essential tool for budget planning and projections in the area of personnel.