Budget Services Fact Sheet
Richland County School District One Budget Services – Quick Facts
Commonly Used Terms
ORG Code – is based on the unique fund/program/function combination and once established, the unit code is placed in front of this code.
Fund Code – is a segment that consists of three digits to identify the funding source.
Unit Code – is the 3-digits that remains the same and identifies the location (i.e. school or department)
Program Code – is a four-digit number that identifies a specific target program (i.e. Career Education, Adult Education, etc.)
Function Code – describes the activity for which a service or material object is acquired (area of responsibility)
Object Code – describes the type of service or commodity obtained as a result of a specific expenditure (i.e. salaries, supplies and materials)
Project Code – is used to account for the fund and fiscal year (for general fund it will always be 00001)
Journal Voucher – are transactions used to update the general ledger by posting either accruals, reversals, reclassifications, or corrections.
Account Code Structure
Unit ORG Object Project
3-Digits 5-Digits 6-Digits 5-Digits
Example: 37818804-460000-72010
Different categories of object codes outlined in MUNIS
- Salaries 100000
- Fringe Benefits 200000
- Purchased Services 300000
- Supplies and Materials 400000
- Capital Outlay 500000
- Other Objects 600000
- Transfers 700000