Title IX Training Material
Olympia Learning Center Families & Students,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. Our theme for this school year is "Flight 621: Soaring Higher".
In order for us to "Soar Higher", we must respect and value the diversity of the students, faculty and staff that comprise Olympia Learning Center. Our main goal is to establish a positive, respectful culture centered on teaching and learning using the tenets of social emotional learning: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness. We will remain committed to ensuring your child achieves academic excellence; and we look forward to working with you to guarantee that our goals are achieved. We believe high expectations yield academic outcomes for all students. Of course, we need and welcome your support and cooperation. You play a key role in the academic success of our students; therefore, school/parent communication is crucial.
As the instructional leader of our Olympia Learning Center and our pursuit to become a model alternative setting, I am certain that every child can learn and achieve the highest level of academic success with the proper preparation and support.
We strive to keep parents informed of not only their children’s progress, but about all that happens at Olympia Learning Center on a daily and weekly basis. The more you frequent our website -- https://www.richlandone.org/Domain/53 , monitor your student’s progress via PowerSchool and communicate with the faculty and staff, the greater our partnership will be.
Bobbie Hartwell, Jr. Principal