- Use opportunities in daily life to discuss the impact of science and engineering (chemicals used to clean the house, fixing an engine, weather, sporting events, etc.).
- Be positive about science and engineering and their impact in the world.
- Express confidence in your child’s scientific ability.
- Ask your child to talk about what they learned in their science class each day. (“Tell me one thing you learned today in science class”).
- Encourage regular review of science notes, even when there is no assignment to turn in.
- Collaborate with your child’s teacher to support and reinforce classroom practices that are used to support learning
District Resources
Students can use their credentials to log into Discovery Education throughout the summer months to find videos and articles on science, technology and engineering topics of interest to them. Students can log in using the same username and password that they log into school computers with to gain access at school or at home.
Flocabulary is a library of songs, videos and activities for K-12 online learning. Flocabulary is a learning program that uses educational hip hop music to engage students and reinforce core knowledge and skills.
Students can log in to access Newsela content which includes, standards-aligned reading activities, primary source documents, science content, and biography content currated from popular news sources and adapted for students to read and understand.
Additional Resources
Students can gain access to many of the same resources they use during the school year over the summer. Discus – South Carolina’s Virtual Library is the “information place” for all South Carolinians. Discus, which stands for Digital Information for South Carolina Users, provides free access to an electronic library that’s available 24/7. Discus is a collection of subscription databases with an array of resources ranging from books and magazines to maps and videos. This collection of databases provides high-quality publications in an easy to navigate format for students. Discus allows students to safely search for up-to-date information without sifting through advertisements and non-educational results found in search engines such as Google.
Middle and high school students receive a student account using their student ID number. Accounts are created automatically each school year, unless students opt out during school registration. This applies to all local branches.
Science Buddies is a free resource for continuing science at home. There is a variety of videos, at home experiements, and ideas for further investigation. There is also a science fair project selection wizard for students who wish to complete science fair projects at home or for projects assigned at schoool.
Parent Friendly Standards for Science:
Includes information about the standards, learning at home activities, and additional websites.