Wellness Policy

  • Brockman Elementary School

    Wellness Policy

    Updated June 2019

     Richland County School District One is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects the health and well-being of students and staff.  The Healthy School Environment Policy supports this through the incorporation of healthy food choices, nutrition education, physical education, and physical activity.

     Brockman Elementary School will demonstrate compliance with Richland County School District One’s Wellness Policy by supporting health, nutrition and nutrition education as well as physical education and physical activity as integral parts of a quality education.  Our school will provide a safe, healthy, and nutritious school environment where students will have opportunities to learn and practice making healthy food choices.  We will also establish opportunities for all students to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to participate in a lifetime of healthful physical activity.  We believe good nutrition and physical fitness are imperative to peak academic performance for students and for long-term health.

     Therefore, this school wellness policy will ensure the following:

    • This policy will be administered by the school principal and the school’s Wellness Council. The Wellness Council will meet at least four times a year and will oversee the school’s health and safety policies and programs.


    • Child nutrition programs (e.g. school breakfast, school lunch, after school meals/snacks, and summer food service programs) will comply with federal, state, and local requirements and will be accessible to all children.


    • All food and beverages sold and served on campus during the school day and during the extended school day will comply with the current United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Smart Snacks in School regulation (including vending machines, a’la cart foods, school stores, canteens, school parties, and snack or food carts).


    • Students will have at least 10 minutes to eat breakfast and at least 20 minutes to eat lunch, counting from the time they are seated.


    • Advertising messages and promotional activities will be consistent with and reinforce the objectives of the USDA guidelines which promotes items that are smart snack compliant as well as education and wellness policy goals of the district school board and individual schools.


    • Our school will not use foods and beverages as rewards for academic performance or good behavior. We will also not withhold food or beverages as a punishment.


    • Health Education will be offered at each grade level as part of a sequential, comprehensive standards-based health education program. The curriculum will support the essential components of health education.  It will include 5th grade Reproductive Health and Erin’s Law.  Classroom teachers will provide 75 minutes of instruction a week for 36 weeks or the equivalent.  Must equal 45 hours per year.


    • Nutrition education will be offered at each grade level as part of a sequential, comprehensive standards-based health education program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health. Nutrition education may also be integrated into other areas of the curriculum.


    • Physical Education will be offered using an age-appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum consistent with national and state standards for physical education. The physical education curriculum will promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and will help students develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits and incorporate essential health education concepts.  The curriculum will support the essential components of physical education.  All students will be provided equal opportunity to participate in physical education classes.  Appropriate accommodations will be made to allow for equitable participation for all students.  Classes will meet at least 90 minutes per week for all students in each grade throughout the school year.


    • Students will be given opportunities to participate in physical activity during the school day through Physical Education classes, 20 minute daily recess periods for elementary school students, physical activity breaks and the integration of physical activity into the academic curriculum.


    • Our school encourages the use of physical activity as a reward when feasible.


    • Our school will not deny a student participation in physical activities (including but not limited to recess, physical activity breaks, or physical education) as a form of discipline or for classroom make up time.


    • Our school will not use physical activity (e.g. walk/run laps, pushups) as a form of punishment.