The School Social Worker is here to help students and families locate necessary resources including food, housing, medical, clothing, tutoring, substance abuse, counseling, domestic abuse support, and other identified needs. Please contact Mrs. Sherrell Brown at 803-404-0566 for assistance accessing resources.



    SC 2-1-1 and Aunt Bertha are two valuable community resources to find assistance in the community.



    South Carolina 2-1-1 is your one-stop resource for finding assistance in your local community. Please visit the website www.sc211.org or call 2-1-1 any time--24 hours a day, 365 days a year--to link to vital services in your community. You can also reach 2-1-1 toll free at 1-866-892-9211. This service is free and is available in multiple languages. – Source United Way





    Kids Corner

    kids corner

    The Kids Corner section of the website will provide links to various websites that offer a variety of activities for children.  The below links are currently up and running.   


    We Do Listen Howard B. Wigglebottom



    BrainPOP: Coronavirus (4-minute video, activities, and games)


    National Public Radio: Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus


    PBS Kids: How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus (includes a list of videos, games, and activities about handwashing and staying healthy)