• At all Richland One non-ESOL schools, school principals will assign a certified employee in their building as the school’s designated ESOL contact. These ESOL contacts will ensure that-

    a. ELs are enrolled following federal, state and district policy- to include-

    • prompt requests for transfers of records (within 10 days of enrollment; 30 in August),
    • if necessary, completion of the Home Language Survey, and
    • administration of any placement tests (K W-APT or WIDA Screener),

    b. parents and families of non-English speaking backgrounds have access to any necessary and appropriate translation/interpretation services as described by district policy and that they feel welcomed and supported,

    c. ELs have access to an equal education and are treated with respect,

    d. parents or guardians of ELs who qualify for but elect to waive ESOL services complete the necessary waiver form within the appropriate timeframe,

    e. ELS who qualify for ESOL services are referred to the appropriate ESOL center school,

    f. ELs who qualify for but elect to waive ESOL services are carefully scheduled to receive mainstream academic services as described by district instructional models,

    g. they work in partnership with mainstream teachers- including routine communication to document classroom modification and accommodation, grades, attendance, and other academic or personal needs of ELs,

    h. communication channels are in place with district ESOL personnel to provide mainstream classroom teachers support and access to resources, best-practices, strategies and student data necessary to meet the needs of ELs in their classrooms,

    i. appropriate modifications and accommodations for ELs are-

    • determined by teachers, parents and administration within necessary timeframes,
    • documented for each EL on their individual IMAP, and
    • implemented routinely in all classroom and testing environments,

    j. communication channels are in place with district ESOL personnel to provide all faculty and staff with information regarding the laws concerning ELs- especially with regards to translations/communicating with parents, accommodations and modifications, and state, federal, and district instructional models and accountability measures,

    k. they participate in routine professional development necessary to retain an up-to-date understanding of all laws and policy that affect ELs,

    l. ELs receive appropriate and documented accommodations on all state and district assessments based on their individual IMAPs,

    m. Ls are included in all appropriate and necessary state and district testing,

    n. the annual WIDA ACCESS for ELs 2.0 is scheduled and completed within the appropriate timeframes for all ELs who have not exited ESOL service based on state criteria,

    o. the mainstream academic performance and progress of waived ELs is routinely monitored- including completion of district monitoring documentation,

    p. the mainstream performance and progress of exited students is monitored for four years after meeting state criteria to exit on ACCESS for ELs 2.0- including completion of district monitoring documentation,

    q. the referral process and documentation for ELs being considered for special education services or Response to Intervention (RTI) includes ESOL personnel and takes into consideration-

    • the unique needs of ELs as related to academic achievement and school success, and
    • the district’s instructional model for ELs,

    r. they complete routine updates of ESOL Blue Folders within the appropriate timeframes- including distribution of parent notifications and annual waivers (if applicable), updates of placement and monitoring forms, and

    s. digital and hard-copy records of ELs are accurate and reflect up-to-date federal, state and district policy- including but not limited to state guidelines pertaining to the non-duplication of documents, the Home Language Survey, PowerSchool coding, ELL service models and the requirements of the ESOL Blue Folders.