• High School Scholars/Academic All-Stars

    The academic achievements of forty-nine seniors in the Class of 2018 were recognized at the District One Academic All-Stars Recognition Banquet on May 10, 2018.  The requirements for selection as a High School Scholar and/or Academic All-Star are described in the District Master Course Catalog.


    Dreher was represented by the following students:    Elisabeth Allen, Noah Benitez-Nelson, Caroline Bishop, Samantha Blease, Joshua Brady, Sophia Bulzoni, Elizabeth Burbage, Joseph Cammarata, Elisa Cate, Jordan Del Priore, Delaney Dunn, Benjamin Eidson, Rachel Evatt, Kennedie Fee, Eric Ferguson, Shayon Ghoshroy, Jean Gonzalez-Flores, Craig Harrill, Olivia Harvey, Sarah Hicks, Gabrielle Hrin, Hanson Hudgens, Christopher Hynes, Gabrielle Johnson, Cailan Jones, Seamus Judge, Stephen Kovaz, Kalie Mathis, Naomi Matthusen, Claire McConnell, Allen Myers, Zoe Owen, Marshall Pinto, Silvana Portillo, Thomas Postic, Abigail Putnam, Devyn Rankin, Jackson Reynolds, Charlotte Ricker, Cassius Rojas, Matthew Shannon, Maggie Shaw, Samantha Shaw, Miller Ayn Smoak, Meredith Smolka, Cameron Sonefeld, Charles Sophocleous, Auzjah Taylor,  and James Williams.


    Congratulations to our Scholars and All-Stars!